Fruit Salad tree - A tree which can grow a variety of different fruits on it..!!!!
Fruit salad tree sprouts as many as 7 varieties of fruits in one tree. The combinations aren’t quite as diverse as bountiful fruit bowls — apples and peaches, for example, can’t mix. But the trees combine several members of fruit families into one.
A citrus version grows oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, tangelos, lemonades (a rounded fruit that’s sweet like lemonade) and grapefruit. A stone fruit tree yields peaches, apricots, plums, nectarines, peachcots (a cross between peaches and apricots) and peacherines. The trees can be planted outside in small back yards (depending on their climate requirements), or kept in a pot. Most are self-pollinating so no partner trees or pollinating bees are needed.